
Archive for July, 2010

Anyone that knows me knows how much I love to paint and that I will paint on just about anything. Well today I thought I would share with you this great little project that I did recently.


I had hanging in one of our powder rooms 3 metal wall hangings, one was of a Dolphin Fish, a Sailfish and a Sea Horse. These 3 pieces are metal of some sort and painted black. I don’t know where I got them from but decided they needed some color. So out came the paint brushes.

As you can see from the picture, the paint was beginning to peel, so after I gave the pieces a good scrub, I took some sand paper and lightly roughed up the surface of the paint to give it some tooth for the paint to adhere to.

My powder room colors are blues, pinks, teals so I went with that color scheme. First I painted the Dolphin Fish with a very Dark Green Acrylic Paint, and applied a second coat for complete coverage, then I lightly dried brushed a lighter shade of green and another shade lighter again.  Then I started to apply my other colors. I dried brushed my pink, blues, teals and a little yellow. With this type of painting you can’t mess up you just apply the shades until you have it just the way you want. When  I had the shading as I wanted I applied 3 coats of exterior/interior varnish.

IMG_3206I think he turned out pretty good and is going to look great on the walls of my powder room.

Here are pictures of the other 2 pieces

IMG_3208I hope this has inspired you to breathe new life into something you have around your home, and if it has visit you local craft store pickup some paints and have some fun!

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